Calm the storm at its source
CEFALY stops migraine pain where it begins: in the cranial nerves.
During a migraine attack, your nervous system is on red alert. CEFALY uses gentle stimulation to calm the trigeminal nerve: the main pathway for migraine pain. Feel the headache fade away - and your other symptoms, too. When you use CEFALY's PREVENT mode daily, the trigeminal nerve becomes less sensitive over time, so you experience fewer attacks. That means fewer days stuck in a dark room. More days to do what you love.

What does the science say?
CEFALY works by targeting the primary pathway for migraine pain: the trigeminal nerve. It uses external trigeminal nerve stimulation (eTNS) — a precise electrical impulse — to stimulate and desensitize the trigeminal nerve over time.
People with migraine have hypersensitive nervous systems that over-react to stimuli, causing pain and neurological dysfunction. The trigeminal nerve — a multi-branched nerve in the head and face — is the major conductor of migraine pain. But what does CEFALY feel like? Watch the video on the side to find out.

CEFALY's mission is to use technology to solve the persistent problem of migraine pain. For us, it's a personal quest. Many of us — including our CEO — live with migraine. We know firsthand how migraine makes life smaller. Darker. Lonelier.
CEFALY empowers people to take charge of their treatment and feel better, for longer, without the harmful side effects of medication.
So get out there. Raise the blinds. Live your one and only beautiful life.
We're with you.
Recommended by healthcare professionals
How to get the best results with CEFALY
You’re in control. Briefly press the device button anytime during the first 14 minutes of a session to stabilize the intensity when you feel a strong vibration or stimulation sensation that is not painful.
Find your sweet spot: a stimulation level that’s comfortable for you and effective for migraine. You don’t need to reach full intensity to benefit from treatment with CEFALY.
Because CEFALY is a therapeutic device, you should pause your usual activities during treatments. We recommend using CEFALY while sitting or reclining, with the head tilted back.
Just as it takes more than two or three workouts to build muscles, it takes more than just a few sessions with CEFALY to change the behavior of the trigeminal nerve. Consistent, daily use is required.
If you’re not satisfied, you can return the device for a refund within 90 days.
Your CEFALY works with gel electrodes that can be reused several times. When the electrodes dry out or become dirty, they must be replaced.
Use the free CeCe Migraine Management app to record your CEFALY sessions, set treatment reminders and log migraine attacks. CeCe syncs with the CEFALY Connected to show you session intensity and time remaining.